
Sunira Chandra
Saraswati Dental College & Hospital, India
Prof. (Dr.) Sunira Chandra is an Oral & Maxillofacial Diagnostician and Head & Neck Radiologist by profession, a certified Tobacco Cessation & Control Specialist, an International Behavioural Transformational Therapist, and a visionary who is passionately following a holistic approach to empower and heal people from any form of addiction especially tobacco (Smoke/Smokeless) with optimum mental, emotional and physical well-being. She seeks to place your utmost trust in her vast experience along with tremendous knowledge in her specialization. Dr. Sunira's experience and research reveal that youngsters, the building blocks of a nation, are most vulnerable to tobacco addiction. Tobacco addiction is associated with a host of other health consequences and also with major life-threatening ailments.